While I did have to spend the majority of my day sitting at work doing Title 22 training, a special kind of first aid course that all first responders (firefighters, police, lifeguards) are required to take, I did get to learn something new- how to deliver a baby.
My first thought was, "let's hope I never have to actually use that skill"
My second thought was, "sweet, I now know how to do something that most people don't"
And my third thought was, "so much for my future children!"
*please note: previous statement still under review
The evening was the best part.
I was able to get together with some of my very best friends for a night of easy going and relaxing fellowship over frozen yogurt and a great chick flick (She's The Man. Watch it. Life changing).
I know that I've been really needing to work harder on defining my goals, not only for this semester, but for my future, but there has never been a more tangible motivator than the joy that comes from spending time with my friends, especially the really good ones (you know who you are, I bet you're even reading this!).
This semester, I am looking forward to making so many more crazy memories with the girls that started it all, from our first year together as new students now to the second half of our third. We've grown so much, yet we have remained together, somewhat, and although two are off in other countries, I know we will reunite the first moment we are able!
Here's to Carsten, Chelsea, (K)Aryn, Casey, (K)Irene & Katie..
Here's to this semester.