
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Does this mean I have to actually start acting like an adult.....??

I'm 20 years old today!!! 
I am so excited about it, parents, do not tear up. Please...
This week has been so unbelievably crazy with studying for 3 exams, working, keeping up with other homework, dealing with my dysfunctional car and all the while still trying to maintain a somewhat normal social life. So, needless to say, I have been overwhelmed and lacking sleep. Lots of sleep. 

I'll be honest, I'm being run ragged. So as my 20th birthday approached, I became disheartened because I figured I would be way too tired and busy to celebrate. I was sad that this milestone (no longer having a -teen attached to my age) would not be getting the proper celebration it deserved.
But, to my surprise....
As I was standing in the bathroom (the community bathroom), at the stroke of midnight, my roommates ambushed me with an illuminated birthday cake, a balloon and their melodious voices joyfully singing me happy birthday!! I was so surprised and overfilled with excitement!! They went on each to say 1 thing they loved about me and when they were speaking, I had a huge grin on my face! I couldn't have thought of a better way to celebrate my birthday than with the girls I spend almost every waking moment with. They are my best friends, my laughter, my support. They encourage me when I don't have the stamina, they hug me and greet me with unending love every time I see them- rain or shine, good day or bad. I have been so blessed to have them in my life and I can't believe I have 4 more years to share my life with them!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Making the best out of the situation

In time, you'll get to know who my "neighbors" are, they are the group of girls that I spend most of my time with... 3 of them are technically my neighbors, 1 lives across the hall, but we all consider one another as more roommates!
Last week, Casey (one of the neighbors, in case you weren't catching on..) was walking back from a class and found herself in a slippery situation. The grassy "knoll" she was walking down was slick from all of the rain and she proceeded to tumble down it, quite gracefully I might add. 
Needless to say, this little tumble landed her in a foot cast for 2 weeks. So we have made the best out of the situation and decided to release some stress by painting all over her stark white cast! 
Thank God that her ankle ended up not being broken, like the doctor had originally thought, and she will still be able to join us on our spring break road trip to Aryn's house in Bailey, Colorado!


Ok 2 posts in one day! This is amazing considering I have some homework to be doing....

I felt that I should at least show where I am currently living, what the set up is like, for those of you that have just been dying to know
Ok, I live in a co-ed dorm (don't freak! let me explain) which, in this case, means that there are guys and girls living in the same building but are separated by each floor. For example, I live on the first floor (Olive) of the South side of the building (Horton). So I live on SoHo, Olive. There are 42* other girls that live here. On the north side, across the hall is a floor of boys. This alternates depending on which floor in the building you are on. They all have unique names. 

Alright, moving on...
I live with 1 roommate which is rare here. Her name is Irene, and we get along th
e majority of the time. Overall, she is great and I love having her as my roommate. 
On each floor, there are 2 RA's (Resident Assistants). They are all current students at Biola and live in the dorms to basically make sure everyone is following the rules and make themselves available to talk. I'm applying to be an RA on Olive (the floor I currently live on) next year. It has been a very long and crazy process so far; on Friday I have my group process and then on Monday, March 3, I have my one-on-one interview. After that, it's all up to the big guy (God, just in case...) as to whether or not this job is meant for me!! I find out on March 17th, keep your fingers crossed and your prayers constant! I reeeeeeeally want this job!! 
and here are some pics of my habitat... excuse my roommates mess. She's from Washington, she can't help it. (My area is the one with the red bed spread).

In the Beginning...

I would like to state my first and foremost reason for making this blog:

My mothers (yes, 2 of them!) are natural born worriers (not to be confused with warrior, which they also are, but more on that a different day. maybe.). Ever since before I could remember, my moms have done that motherly thing, you know, where they always want to know what you are doing, who you are with, how long you will be doing it, where you'll be, and that you better get home before the street lights turn on...
Well imagine my surprise when I move away to college and this still remains... (mom, take this in a good way!!) So, like I previously stated, this is mainly for my moms. Much like the Tattoo on my butt.

Just kidding.
I really hope you found that funny...

So this blog will be for those who I have neglected since moving away, those that I have difficulty remembering to call, those that I love the most and care for more than they could ever know.... this is my year round Christmas letter!
I really do love all of my family and miss them all the time but I have found that I am not very good at balancing the things in my life so I feel like this will help me get things back in order and I hope that no one takes it offensive or impersonal! Please let me know if that is the case!!
So, here is my story and a window into my life. At times it will fog up and at times it will be windex (streak free) shiny but I hope that it will help my friends and family understand how much I care for them and how much I desire for them to be a part of my life!

love you all no matter what your title...

-Katie =]