I felt that I should at least show where I am currently living, what the set up is like, for those of you that have just been dying to know
Ok, I live in a co-ed dorm (don't freak! let me explain) which, in this case, means that there are guys and girls living in the same building but are separated by each floor. For example, I live on the first floor (Olive) of the South side of the building (Horton). So I live on SoHo, Olive. There are 42* other girls that live here. On the north side, across the hall is a floor of boys. This alternates depending on which floor in the building you are on. They all have unique names.
Alright, moving on...
I live with 1 roommate which is rare here. Her name is Irene, and we get along th
e majority of the time. Overall, she is great and I love having her as my roommate.
On each floor, there are 2 RA's (Resident Assistants). They are all current students at Biola and live in the dorms to basically make sure everyone is following the rules and make themselves available to talk. I'm applying to be an RA on Olive (the floor I currently live on) next year. It has been a very long and crazy process so far; on Friday I have my group process and then on Monday, March 3, I have my one-on-one interview. After that, it's all up to the big guy (God, just in case...) as to whether or not this job is meant for me!! I find out on March 17th, keep your fingers crossed and your prayers constant! I reeeeeeeally want this job!!
and here are some pics of my habitat... excuse my roommates mess. She's from Washington, she can't help it. (My area is the one with the red bed spread).
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