Ok, I finally got around to snapping some pictures of my new home for the summer... as a side note though, I'd like to say these do not accurately demonstrate my photographic skills. I needed to take these quick so I could have something to show sometime before I moved out! Enjoy!
The view from the driveway...

The entry way and our couch filled living room... there are 6 to be exact...

This is our "fireplace" filled by a turtle tank of tranquility...

One view of the kitchen... the house has many odd corners...

One of the 2 bathrooms that the 8 of us share =] ...

And this is the master bedroom which I was lucky enough to get along with my summer roommate, Erin!

And that's it! It's a really great house for a bunch of college girls to be living in. We also have a really great backyard, full of beautiful vegetation but it was too dark for me to get any pictures of it this time around. We have definitely had some interesting experiences so far, including having to share just 1 of the bathrooms/shower for about 3 weeks, but the longer we live here and the more quirks we figure out how to work with, the more we love it!
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