
Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have been having some serious trouble with blogging lately.
For some reason, my brain doesn't want to function the same as it used to, it resists the out pour of clever lyricism and processed thoughts...

it's extremely frustrating!

I thought that blogging would be the cure to what seems to be an infinite bout of writer's block but it's been just the opposite; a form of encouragement to my mind to remain dormant.

In an attempt to get things going again, or maybe just to satisfy myself in seeing a little (1) next to number of blogs posted in 2010, I felt like posting this little quip that I collected from a magazine a while back.

This was in an article in Relevant Magazine and it really struck me strongly. I wrote it down and have been searching for an outlet in which to share it.

"if irony depreciates our sense of the importance of life — of the immortality of people and the awesome wonder of things — it cannot be helpful... As stupid as people can be, and as silly as this world sometimes seems, we cannot forsake the truth of the matter: that creation is God’s workmanship, that people are holy beings who will eternally exist — for better or worse. If our generation will realize this — that not everything can be made light of and that irony has its limits — perhaps there is hope for us yet.
- Brett McCracken, RELEVANT magazine


Tyler said...

I'm looking forward to what comes forth from "The Syntax of Things" in 2010!

So, to help you in the process of overcoming writer's block and hopefully blogging more, what's your purpose for blogging? And setting a goal like "I want to write a blog at least one a week, etc." could help you too.

My advice is free, since I'm clearly not even taking it myself...

CBC Cameroon '13 said...

Ha thanks for the encouragement!
I am actually including blogging in my goal setting for this semester.. now we just gotta get you to write one!

Tyler said...

You're quite welcome!
Can't wait to see what you write this year. I'll start one soon, I'd just like to have a good attack plan this time :-)